dirty-haskell.org: Thoughts on a network protocol for a toolset for interacting with character-oriented printers

It's not crazy — it's having fun with types.

> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DataKinds #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> module Thermoprint.API
>        ( PrinterStatus(..)
>        , JobStatus(..)
>        , ThermoprintAPI
>        , thermoprintAPI
>        , module Thermoprint.Identifiers
>        , module Thermoprint.Printout
>        ) where
> import Thermoprint.Printout

See a previous post.

> import Thermoprint.Identifiers

Thermoprint.Identifiers provides some newtypes of Integer to add some typesafety to dealing with objects identified by autoincremented numbers

> import Servant.API
> import Servant.Docs
> import Data.Aeson

We will define our API to be compatible with servant

> import Data.Set (Set)
> import Data.Sequence (Seq)

Higher performance versions of lists for our various applications

> import GHC.Generics (Generic)
> import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
> import Control.Exception (Exception)
> import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
> data PrinterStatus = Busy JobId
>                    | Available
>                    deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON)
> data JobStatus = Queued
>                | Printing
>                | Done
>                | Failed PrintingError
>                deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON)
> data PrintingError = UnknownError
>                    deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON, Exception)

We expect the definiton of PrintingError to grow considerably while implementing a server for this API

We support the following actions through our API:

> type ThermoprintAPI = "printers" :> Get '[JSON] (Set PrinterId) -- List the identifiers of all available printers (/printers)
>                       :<|> "printer" :> Capture "printerId" PrinterId :> (
>                         ReqBody '[JSON] Printout :> Post '[JSON] JobId -- Add a new job to the bottom of the queue by sending its content (/printer:printerId)
>                         :<|> "status" :> Get '[JSON] PrinterStatus -- Query the current status of a printer (/printer:printerId/status)
>                       )
>                       :<|> "jobs" :> (
>                         QueryParam "printer" PrinterId :> QueryParam "min" JobId :> QueryParam "max" JobId :> Get '[JSON] (Seq JobId) -- List all jobs allowing for selection by printerId and pagination (/jobs?printer=*&min=*&max=*)
>                       )
>                       :<|> "job" :> Capture "jobId" JobId :> (
>                         Get '[JSON] Printout -- Get the contents of a job currently known to the server (/job:jobId)
>                         :<|> "status" :> Get '[JSON] JobStatus -- Get the status of a job (/job:jobId/status)
>                         :<|> "printer" :> Get '[JSON] PrinterId -- Find the printer a job was queued for (/job:jobId/printer)
>                         :<|> Delete '[] () -- Abort a job (which we expect to make it unknown to the server) (/job:jobId)
>                       )
>                       :<|> "drafts" :> (
>                         Get '[JSON] (Set DraftId) -- List the identifiers of all drafts known to the server (/drafts)
>                         :<|> ReqBody '[JSON] Printout :> Post '[JSON] DraftId -- Make a draft known to the server by submitting its contents (/drafts)
>                       )
>                       :<|> "draft" :> Capture "draftId" DraftId :> (
>                         ReqBody '[JSON] Printout :> Put '[] () -- Update a draft by replacing its contents (/draft:draftId)
>                         :<|> Get '[JSON] Printout -- Get the contents of a draft (/draft:draftId)
>                         :<|> Delete '[] () -- Delete a draft (/draft:draftId)
>                       )
> thermoprintAPI :: Proxy ThermoprintAPI
> thermoprintAPI = Proxy

servant needs an object of type Proxy ThermoprintAPI in various places