I added some cursory support for math as shown below:
Formulae are rendered with and included as SVG.
Inline formulae get correctly aligned to match the baseline of the surrounding text.
Theorem environments are written using pandocs support for block environments:
<div class="theorem">
Formulae are rendered with $\text{\LaTeX}$ and included as [SVG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SVG).
<div class="proof">
$$e^{ix} =\text{cos}(x) + i \text{sin} (x)$$
<div class="lemma">
Inline formulae get correctly aligned to match the baseline of the surrounding text.
<div class="proof">
$\text{tan}(\phi) = \frac{\text{sin}(\phi)}{\text{cos}(\phi)}$
Combined with a smattering of CSS this works nicely. support is, however, lacking as I opted not to patch pandoc (math.kleen.org did).
The actual compilation happens in a new module I named Math.hs
. We´ll start there. For your reading pleasure I added some comments to the reproduction below.
module Math
( compileMath
) where
import System.IO (stdout, stderr, hPutStrLn, writeFile, readFile)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import System.Process (callProcess, readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Directory (copyFile, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, FilePath(..), (</>))
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Exception (bracket, throwIO)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (WriterT(..), execWriterT, tell)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.DeepSeq (($!!))
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))
-- We built a monoid instance for `ExitCode` so we can easily collect failure using a `MonadWriter`
instance Monoid ExitCode where
mempty = ExitSuccess
(ExitFailure a) `mappend` _ = ExitFailure a
ExitSuccess `mappend` x@(ExitFailure _) = x
ExitSuccess `mappend` ExitSuccess = ExitSuccess
compileMath :: String -> IO (String, String)
compileMath = withSystemTempDirectory "math" . compileMath' -- Create a temporary directory, run `compileMath'`, and make sure the directory get's deleted
compileMath' :: String -> FilePath -> IO (String, String)
compileMath' input tmpDir = do
mapM_ (copyToTmp . ("tex" </>)) [ "preamble.tex"
, "preview.dtx"
, "preview.ins"
(exitCode, out, err) <- withCurrentDirectory tmpDir $ execWriterT $ do -- Collect stdout, stderr, and exitCode of all subprocesses (stdout and stderr simply get appended to one another)
run "latex" [ "-interaction=batchmode"
, "preview.ins"
] ""
liftIO $ writeFile (tmpDir </> "image.tex") input
run "latex" [ "-interaction=batchmode"
, "image.tex"
] ""
run "dvisvgm" [ "--exact"
, "--no-fonts"
, tmpDir </> "image.dvi"
] ""
when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $ do -- Fail with maximum noise if any of the latex passes fail -- otherwise be silent
hPutStrLn stdout out
hPutStrLn stderr err
throwIO exitCode
(\x -> return $!! (x, extractAlignment err)) =<< (readFile $ tmpDir </> "image.svg") -- Note the call to `($!!)` -- since we'll be deleting `tmpDir` we need to make sure the entire generated output resides in memory before we leave this block
copyToTmp fp = copyFile fp (tmpDir </> takeFileName fp)
run :: String -> [String] -> String -> WriterT (ExitCode, String, String) IO ()
run bin args stdin = tell =<< liftIO (readProcessWithExitCode bin args stdin)
withCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -- ^ Directory to execute in
-> IO a -- ^ Action to be executed
-> IO a
-- ^ This is provided in newer versions of temporary
withCurrentDirectory dir action =
bracket getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory $ \ _ -> do
setCurrentDirectory dir
extractAlignment :: String -> String
extractAlignment = fromMaybe "0pt" . extract . (=~ "depth=([^\\s]+)") -- One of the few places where regular expressions really prove usefull
extract :: (String, String, String, [String]) -> Maybe String
extract (_, _, _, xs) = listToMaybe xs
The more trick part proved to be integration into the framework as provided by Hakyll.
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256 (hash)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CBS
import Data.Hex (hex)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Math (compileMath)
import Text.Printf (printf)
main :: IO ()
main = hakyllWith config $ do
math <- getMath "posts/*" mathTranslation'
forM_ math $ \(_, mathStr) -> create [mathTranslation' mathStr] $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
item <- makeItem mathStr
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/math.tex" defaultContext
>>= withItemBody (unsafeCompiler . compileMath) -- unsafeCompiler :: IO a -> Compiler a
saveSnapshot "alignment" $ fmap snd item
return $ fmap fst item
match "posts/*" $ do
route $ setExtension ".html"
compile $ do
getResourceBody >>= saveSnapshot "content"
pandocCompilerWithTransformM defaultHakyllReaderOptions defaultHakyllWriterOptions mathTransform -- pandocCompilerWithTransformM :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions -> (Pandoc -> Compiler Pandoc) -> Item String
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" defaultContext
>>= relativizeUrls
mathTranslation' :: String -> Identifier
-- ^ This generates the filename for a svg file given the TeX-source
mathTranslation' = fromCapture "math/*.svg" . map toLower . CBS.unpack . hex . SHA256.hash . CBS.pack
getMath :: Pattern -> (String -> Identifier) -> Rules [([Identifier], String)]
-- ^ We scrape all posts for math, calls `readPandoc'`
getMath pattern makeId = do
ids <- getMatches pattern
mathStrs <- concat `liftM` mapM (\id -> map ((,) [id]) `liftM` getMath' (toFilePath' id)) ids
return $ mergeGroups $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $ mathStrs
getMath' :: FilePath -> Rules [String]
getMath' path = preprocess (query extractMath `liftM` readPandoc' path)
extractMath :: Inline -> [String]
extractMath (Math _ str) = [str]
extractMath _ = []
mergeGroups :: [[([Identifier], String)]] -> [([Identifier], String)]
mergeGroups = map mergeGroups' . filter (not . null)
mergeGroups' :: [([Identifier], String)] -> ([Identifier], String)
mergeGroups' xs@((_, str):_) = (concatMap fst xs, str)
readPandoc' :: FilePath -> IO Pandoc
-- ^ This is copied, almost verbatim, from Hakyll source -- Does what it says on the tin
readPandoc' path = readFile path >>= either fail return . result'
result' str = case result str of
Left (ParseFailure err) -> Left $
"parse failed: " ++ err
Left (ParsecError _ err) -> Left $
"parse failed: " ++ show err
Right item' -> Right item'
result str = reader defaultHakyllReaderOptions (fileType path) str
reader ro t = case t of
DocBook -> readDocBook ro
Html -> readHtml ro
LaTeX -> readLaTeX ro
LiterateHaskell t' -> reader (addExt ro Ext_literate_haskell) t'
Markdown -> readMarkdown ro
MediaWiki -> readMediaWiki ro
OrgMode -> readOrg ro
Rst -> readRST ro
Textile -> readTextile ro
_ -> error $
"I don't know how to read a file of " ++
"the type " ++ show t ++ " for: " ++ path
addExt ro e = ro {readerExtensions = Set.insert e $ readerExtensions ro}
mathTransform :: Pandoc -> Compiler Pandoc
-- ^ We replace math by raw html includes of the respective svg files here
mathTransform = walkM mathTransform'
mathTransform' :: Inline -> Compiler Inline
mathTransform' (Math mathType tex) = do
alignment <- loadSnapshotBody texId "alignment"
html = printf "<object data=\"/%s\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" style=\"vertical-align:-%s\">%s</object>"
(toFilePath texId) (alignment :: String) tex
return $ Span ("", [classOf mathType], []) [RawInline (Format "html") html]
texId = mathTranslation' tex
classOf DisplayMath = "display-math"
classOf InlineMath = "inline-math"
mathTransform' x = return x