dirty-haskell.org: On the design of a structured document format compatible with character oriented printers

It's not crazy — it's having fun with types.

> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}


We want our codebase to be compatible with as many different models of printers as we are willing to implement. It is therefore desirable to maintain a structured document format which we can transform into a printer-specific representation of the payload to be printed with minimal effort.

In this post we present one such format.


> -- | This module contains the definition of the structure -- 'Printout' -- used to represent the content of a job
> module Thermoprint.Printout
>        ( Printout(..)
>        , Paragraph(..)
>        , Chunk(..)
>        , Block(..)
>        , Line( HSpace
>              , SpaceSep
>              )
>        , text, cotext
>        , prop_text
>        ) where


> import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>), (<|))

A Sequence represents the same structure as the linked lists common in haskell but supports O(1) snoc, which is desirable since we intend to iteratively build up the structure when parsing input formats.

> import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
> import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)

The entire structure will be lazy by default but an instance of NFData, thus the lazy variants of Text and ByteString.

> import GHC.Generics (Generic)

We will use derived instances of Generic to get handed suitable instances of rather complicated classes such as Arbitrary and FromJSON

> import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)

Instances of NFData allow us to strictly evaluate our document structure when needed

> import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), Value(..))
> import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON (encode, decode)
> import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch)

We will encode the document as a json object during transport

> import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary(..), CoArbitrary, genericShrink)
> import Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers (NonNegative(..))
> import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (oneof, suchThat, scale)
> import Test.QuickCheck.Instances
> import Test.QuickCheck (forAll, Property)

We will use QuickCheck for automatic test generation.

> import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL (split, null, pack, filter, intercalate, map)
> import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
> import Data.Char (isSpace)
> import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), (<>))
> import Data.List (dropWhile, dropWhileEnd, groupBy, genericLength, genericReplicate)
> import Data.Sequence as Seq (fromList, null, singleton)
> import Data.Function (on)
> import Data.Foldable (toList, fold)

We will need to do some parsing and pretty-printing to implement text and cotext, respectively.

> import Data.Encoding (encodeLazyByteStringExplicit, decodeLazyByteString)
> import Data.Encoding.UTF8
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as Base64 (encode, decode)

Since we want end users to be able to include direct instructions the printer in the form of a lazy ByteString we need some way to encode ByteStrings in JSON. We chose base64.

> import Prelude hiding (fold)
> -- | A 'Printout' is a sequence of visually seperated 'Paragraph's
> type Printout = Seq Paragraph

“visually seperated” will most likely end up meaning “seperated by a single blank line”

> -- | A 'Paragraph' is a non-seperated sequence of 'Chunk's
> type Paragraph = Seq Chunk
> -- | We introduce both 'Chunk' and 'Paragraph' mainly to allow 'Raw'.
> -- 
> -- Were we to disallow 'Raw', 'Block' would be identical to 'Paragraph'
> data Chunk = Cooked Block -- ^ text semantically structured to be rendered in accordance with the display format of printer
>            | Raw ByteString -- ^ direct instructions to the printer
>            deriving (Generic, NFData, Show, CoArbitrary)
> instance FromJSON Chunk where
>   parseJSON s@(String _) = Raw <$> ((either fail return . decodeBase64) =<< parseJSON s)
>     where
>       decodeBase64 :: String -> Either String ByteString
>       decodeBase64 s = (either (Left . show) Right . encodeLazyByteStringExplicit UTF8Strict $ s) >>= Base64.decode
>   parseJSON o@(Object _) = Cooked <$> parseJSON o
>   parseJSON v = typeMismatch "Chunk" v
> instance ToJSON Chunk where
>   toJSON (Raw bs) = String . T.pack . decodeLazyByteString UTF8Strict . Base64.encode $ bs
>   toJSON (Cooked block) = toJSON block

We provide custom instances of FromJSON Chunk and ToJSON Chunk so that we might reduce the sice of the resulting JSON somewhat (this is an opportune target since disambiguaty is simple)

> -- | 'Block' is the entry point for our structured document format
> data Block = Line Line -- ^ a single 'Line' of text
>            | VSpace Integer -- ^ vertical space of height equivalent to 'Integer' lines
>            | NewlSep (Seq Block) -- ^ A sequence of 'Block's seperated by newlines
>            deriving (Generic, NFData, Show, CoArbitrary, FromJSON, ToJSON)
> {- | A 'Line' is one of:
>   * a single word
>   * horizontal space equivalent to the width of 'Integer' `em`.
>   * a sequence of words seperated by spaces
> We don't export all constructors and instead encourage the use of 'text'.
> -} 
> data Line = Word Text
>           | HSpace Integer
>           | SpaceSep (Seq Line)
>           deriving (Generic, NFData, Show, CoArbitrary, FromJSON, ToJSON)
> instance Monoid Block where
>   mempty = NewlSep mempty
>   x@(NewlSep xs) `mappend` y@(NewlSep ys)
>     | Seq.null xs = y
>     | Seq.null ys = x
>     | otherwise = NewlSep (xs <> ys)
>   (NewlSep xs) `mappend` y
>     | Seq.null xs = y
>     | otherwise = NewlSep (xs |> y)
>   x `mappend` (NewlSep ys)
>     | Seq.null ys = x
>     | otherwise = NewlSep (x <| ys)
>   x `mappend` y = NewlSep $ Seq.fromList [x, y]
> instance Monoid Line where
>   mempty = SpaceSep mempty
>   x@(SpaceSep xs) `mappend` y@(SpaceSep ys)
>     | Seq.null xs = y
>     | Seq.null ys = x
>     | otherwise = SpaceSep (xs <> ys)
>   (SpaceSep xs) `mappend` y
>     | Seq.null xs = y
>     | otherwise = SpaceSep (xs |> y)
>   x `mappend` (SpaceSep ys)
>     | Seq.null ys = x
>     | otherwise = SpaceSep (x <| ys)
>   x `mappend` y = SpaceSep $ Seq.fromList [x, y]

The Monoid instances for Block and Line are somewhat unwieldy since we want to guarantee minimum overhead by reducing expressions such as SpaceSep (fromList [x]) to x whenever possible.

The same effect would have been possible by introducing the monoid structure one level higher – we could have introduced constructors such as Line :: Seq Word -> Block. This was deemed undesirable since we would not have been able to implement instances such as Monoid Line which allow the use of more generic functions during parsing.

> text :: Text -> Either Block Line
> -- ^ Smart constructor for 'Line'/'Block' which maps word and line boundaries (as determined by 'isSpace' and '(== '\n')' respectively) to the structure of 'Block' and 'Line'.
> --
> -- Since we are unwilling to duplicate the list of chars from 'isSpace' we cannot reasonably determine a width for the various whitespace 'Char's.
> -- Thus they are all weighted equally as having width 1 `em`.
> text t = case splitLines t of
>   [] -> Right mempty
>   [Line x] -> Right x
>   xs -> Left $ mconcat xs
>   where
>     splitLines :: Text -> [Block]
>     splitLines t = map toBlock
>                    . groupBy ((==) `on` TL.null)
>                    $ TL.split (== '\n') t
>     splitWords :: Text -> [Line]
>     splitWords t = map toLine
>                    . groupBy ((==) `on` TL.null)
>                    $ TL.split isSpace t
>     toBlock [] = mempty
>     toBlock xs@(x:_)
>       | TL.null x = VSpace $ genericLength xs - 1
>       | otherwise = mconcat . map (Line . mconcat . splitWords) $ xs
>     toLine [] = mempty
>     toLine xs@(x:_)
>       | TL.null x = HSpace $ genericLength xs - 1
>       | otherwise = mconcat . map Word $ xs
>     list :: b -> (a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> b
>     list c _ [] = c
>     list _ f (x:xs) = f x xs

Implementations using TL.lines and TL.words were tested. We chose to use TL.split-based solutions instead because the more specific splitting functions provided by text drop information concerning the exact amount of whitespace.

> cotext :: Block -> Text
> -- ^ inverse of
> -- @
> --   either id Line . `text`
> -- @
> cotext (VSpace n) = TL.pack . genericReplicate n $ '\n'
> cotext (NewlSep xs) =  TL.intercalate "\n" . map cotext . toList $ xs
> cotext (Line x) = cotext' x
>   where            
>     cotext' (Word x) = x
>     cotext' (HSpace n) = TL.pack . genericReplicate n $ ' '
>     cotext' (SpaceSep xs) = TL.intercalate " " . map cotext' . toList $ xs

We provide cotext for testing text and to enable determining semantic equality of Printouts at a later date

> prop_text :: Text -> Bool
> -- ^ prop> (`cotext` . either id Line . `text` $ x) == x
> --
> -- Where 'x' is restricted to those `TL.Text` which do not contain whitespace besides ' ' and '\n'.
> prop_text x = (cotext . either id Line . text $ x') == x'
>   where
>     x' = TL.map normSpace x
>     normSpace c
>       | isSpace c
>       , c `elem` keep = c
>       | isSpace c = ' ' -- We have to do this because all whitespace gets interpreted as width 1
>       | otherwise = c
>     keep = [' ', '\n']
> -- | We don't test 'Raw' 'Chunk's
> instance Arbitrary Chunk where
>   shrink = genericShrink
>   arbitrary = Cooked <$> arbitrary
> instance Arbitrary Block where
>   shrink = genericShrink
>   arbitrary = oneof [ Line <$> arbitrary
>                     , VSpace . getNonNegative <$> arbitrary
>                     , NewlSep <$> scale' arbitrary
>                     ]
> instance Arbitrary Line where
>   shrink = genericShrink
>   arbitrary = oneof [ Word . TL.filter (not . isSpace) <$> arbitrary -- 'isSpace '\n' == True'
>                     , HSpace . getNonNegative <$> arbitrary
>                     , SpaceSep <$> scale' arbitrary
>                     ]
> scale' = scale (round . sqrt . fromInteger . toInteger)

Failing to properly scale the tested structures was shown to use more than 8GiB of RAM during testing